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It’s very important for kids and teens to spend time away from screens and take part in physical exercise. Learn discipline, respect and many other benefits.

What’s the training like?

You might have experience in from another karate or kick-boxing club or just starting your karate journey. Our Junior classes are suitable for beginners and experienced. The training is focused on traditional Goju-Ryu and modern Karate.

Learning karate will help you get into shape, improve you confidence and self esteem, karate is exiting and educational. Make new friends, and open up possibilities to enter regional and national competitions.

Typical classes include:

  • 基本 KIHON (fundamentals)
  • KATA (set forms)
  • 組手 KUMITE (sparring)
  • Cadet beginners can join the Sunday class at 18:00
  • Experienced cadet students can join any of the classes
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+1 private)
Adults / Cadets £26£33£44
Family £21£26£44
Junior / peewees£20£26£40
Family £16£21N/A
Private 1 person
2 people
Family plans apply for 2 or more members from the same family and equates to approximately 20% discount.
