Irikumi and Kata Open Championships
Page content
- Details
- Time and location
- Fees
- Rules
- Irikumi rules (continuous sparring)
- Registration
What is the event?
- Kata
- Irikumi (Continuous Semi-Contact Sparring)
This is an open championship for all ages, grades and styles. Note that the kata must be within the Goju system. That is because the event is organised by Goju karate instructors and we may not know kata from other systems. Karate students from other styles are welcome to perform Goju kata and/or take part in the irikumi (continuous sparring) events.
Time and location
- Shenley Leisure Centre, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes, MK5 6HF
- Start time 12:30
- End time 18:30
- Competitors should arrive at 12:00 for registration
- The younger groups are expected to finish earlier and will be allowed to return home when their events are complete
- Note that we may request you to restrict the number of spectators depending on the number of registrations and the hall capacity. Note also that there is only a limited number of benches, and most spectators may need to stand or sit on the floor
- Individual competitors £25
- Family competitors £20 (for families with 2 or more competitors)
Cash on the day or prepayment via bank transfer
• The competition is open to all styles and affiliations.
• For legal and insurance reasons, all competitors must have a current affiliation membership.
• Competitors can enter any one or two of the kata and kumite competitions being run.
• Competitors are limited to the performing the katas of the Goju-Ryu system.
• Peewee competitors must be 5 years or older on the day of the competition.
• Junior competitors must be between 6 and 14 years of age on the day of the competition.
• Cadet competitors must be 15, 16 or 17 years old on the day of the competition.
• The adult competition is open to any affiliate members aged 18 or over on the day of the competition.
• For sparring, gloves and shin guards are compulsory. Gum shields, groin boxes, breast protectors and helmets are recommended, but remain optional.
• The style of sparring is “irikumi” (continuous semi contact). Meaning contact is allowed but excessive heavy blows will be prohibited.
• For obvious safety reasons, Kumite competitors must remove all jewellery. Failure to remove jewellery as directed by the referee or competition officials will automatically lead to forfeiture of the match.
• Kumite competitors will not normally be allowed to wear spectacles during a match. The final decision is down to the mat referee who is entitled to stop the match and revise his or her decision as they see fit. If a competitor is allowed to compete wearing spectacles they will accept sole responsibility for all liabilities arising from any breakages or damage to the spectacles or to the person arising from that decision.
• By entering, competitors acknowledge the possibility that they may sustain personal injury from participation in the event. Qualified first aid will be present throughout the event and if following an injury, competitors or their guardians choose to ignore the medical advice given, they will not hold the individual officials, first aiders responsible for any consequences of their decision not to follow that advice.
• By entering, competitors agree and consent that any pictures or videos taken by the organisers, at their sole discretion, for any purpose, without notification and/or compensation to the competitors appearing in those pictures or videos.
• Only medals for first, second and third places will be awarded.
• The decision of the match officials is final. Any dissension may result in immediate disqualification and exclusion from the rest of the competition.
Irikumi rules
Irikumi means continuous sparring (unlike ippon kumite, which is stopped when a point is scored)
This is a semi-contact form of sparring (not full contact) so the strikes are controlled but allowed to make contact
Safety is the highest priority and over aggressive, dangerous techniques will result in a warning or ban from the match
Irikumi is judged on overall performance rather than points
The judgement will be made by 3 or more referees and the chief referee will announce the final result (HANTEI)
Each judge will make their own judgement on the overall performance of the competitors
Each judge will raise a white or red flag for a win OR lower both flags in a cross position for a draw
If the chief referee has any doubts about the judgements, he/she should call the referees for a quick consultation and reach an agreement
Light-contact techniques to the head/face
Controlled, semi-contact techniques to the body (competitors will be warned if the techniques are considered uncontrolled or over-aggressive)
Adults only, controlled, semi-contact techniques to the legs (not knees) (competitors will be warned if the techniques are considered uncontrolled or over-aggressive)
Take-down techniques
Controlled attacks towards a fallen/downed opponent
Holding, clinching, grappling, pushing while standing plus on the ground for 10 seconds
Take down and finishing technique to the downed opponent but DOESN’T need to make contact and MUST be controlled (finishing technique can be a strike or a lock)
Clean round house kick to the head (should make light contact or very close to the opponent’s head)
Attacks to the knee joints
Elbow techniques to the head
UNCONTROLLED full-power techniques
Head butting: “Zutsuki”
Kick to the groin: “Kinteki-geri”
Any intentioned attack to the opponent’s spine from behind
Stepping repetitively out of the match mat area: “Jogai”
Retreating continually out of the match area and to avoid or refrain from fighting
Disobeying the referee’s directions
Making comments to the referee
Constant bad attitude or behaviour towards the referee or competition
Any fighter who refuses to fight over a longer period of time (30 seconds) can be disqualified
Registration form
Registration closed on the 14th October. If you wish to compete but haven’t registered, please contact you club sensei as there may be cancellations or spaces available.